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Current Programme

Our main debate is held at 8pm on the third Tuesday of every month, at St John’s Day Centre, Palmeira Square, Hove.

See The Venue page for details of where we meet. 


Summer Recess: July to September. For more information see Latest News

19th October
Aid to developing countries encourages dependency

16th November
Justice is compromised by social media

21st December
History is bunk!

Membership is £12 a year, visitors pay £2 per visit.
As a member OR visitor you may volunteer to speak on either side of the debate, assuming the slot is not already filled.

See Contact Us.

Current Programme

Our main debate is held at 8pm on the third Tuesday of every month, at St John’s Day Centre, Palmeira Square, Hove.

See The Venue page for details of where we meet. 

Our venue is currently closed due to COVID-19. Please check the website regularly for updates on reopening and virtual Zoom meetings


Summer Recess: July to September. For more information see Latest News

19th October
Aid to developing countries encourages dependency

16th November
Justice is compromised by social media

21st December
History is bunk!

Membership is £12 a year, visitors pay £2 per visit.
As a member OR visitor you may volunteer to speak on either side of the debate, assuming the slot is not already filled.

See Contact Us.